Vian Izak // Music that Matters, for People that Matter

Vian does more than write, perform, and release music. To him, it’s more like a relationship. It’s something he is consistently hearing in his head. Perhaps this is part of the visually stunning world he has envisioned with the thought-provoking sounds he’s able to produce. In his words, “I write because I receive music… It’s a weird experience, but I’m grateful for it.” This relationship is one that lets him share messages to the masses of hope, resilience, and stories that tell listeners they matter.

In his most recent work, the album ” All the Worlds We Built” explores the dissonance between us as people failing to see value in each other. The album emphasizes the narrative, joyously, “You are worthy and valuable.”

The cover for “All the Worlds We Built.

Vian shared further on his inspiration that initiated the core ideas for the new album. “Ultimately I realized that whenever humans forget that other humans have intrinsic value, we create some very dark circumstances. Regardless of your religious background, something I find crucial is the idea that “God created humans in his own image.” What does that mean from a philosophical perspective? It means that consciousness itself is something primary and mysteriously holy. Something of a higher value than anything material. It ought to be seen as that regardless of any other circumstance.”

This album, and Vian’s work as a whole, is made for everyone to enjoy and appreciate, as the motives behind the music are universally applicable ideas. These ideas are so deeply constructed and built upon, with an emphasis on grandiose, loud, and personified stories that accompany each song. It is seldom seen that this level of care and attention to detail is put into releasing art, and is almost as if each release is a novel in itself.

“Humans, just by definition of being human, are valuable and deserve dignity no matter age, religion, creed, or even no matter what they’ve done.”

Vian, discussing the them behind his new album “All the Worlds We Built.”

With the release of the album comes a comic-style storyline, infusing the work of artist Andreas Rocha and an A.I. Artist by the name of VAULST. This is one of the first iterations of a future which will undoubtedly incorporate human-created, and A.I.-based art, and does so in a way that beautifully depicts the story of the Berlin Wall.

Album artwork of the wall being built by machines. :VAULST

Fans can purchase a physical CD copy of the album which comes with a print version of the comic at: Product is limited!

Vian also encourages his fans to join his Discord server. “We have amazing chats and hangs on the server and I give away lots of extra content. If you’re looking for an earnest heartfelt community, look no further.” 

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